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On the Square in Georgetown TX

Monday, November 20, 2017   /   by Meagan Henry

On the Square in Georgetown TX

The Fun of Visiting Handcrafts Unlimited

While stopping by Handcrafts Unlimited today I had a chance to speak with several of the current volunteers and artisans and discovered the historically rich background of this 31-year-old establishment, the oldest on the Georgetown Square. The shop is filled to the brim with hand made goods of every sort: quilts, baby clothes, pottery, Christmas ornaments, decorative household items and more.

If you’re a local of the Georgetown community or Williamson district and you’re 50 years of age or older, you are more than welcome to join as a volunteer, or participate in quilting. The shop is a not-for-profit, and is run and operated entirely by volunteers. As the director said to me, the little shop’s purpose is to foster the image of the 50+ community as creative productive people. Some of the sweet ladies let me in on what they were working on which was a grand sized quilt for the July raffle. As we chatted together, they told me stories about how this shop has played a role in each of their lives. They truly have developed a close-knit group of friends which share a special camaraderie in the pursuit of their shops goal.

Get Your Quilting On!

Being a part of the quilting group can really liven up your Thursday! Quilting at Handcrafts Unlimited is a relaxing social hobby, or as the quilters say, ‘replacement for therapy!’ The ladies told me that their quilts typically take 6 to 7 weeks to finish while quilting on Thursdays alone. When talking with one of the local volunteers I was told that Handcrafts unlimited not only receives customers all throughout the U.S, but occasionally ones from other countries!

Handcrafts Unlimited is a nonprofit organization that attracts its fair share of locals strolling past on the street along with friends, family and others touring the various points of interest on the Georgetown Square. As of 9 months ago the shop had 200 artisans, now it currently boasts over 350. Artisans can sell their artwork in the shop and 100% of profits go back to the artists. It’s a great way for people who may have retired already, to provide themselves and their families with supplemental income.

Handcrafts Unlimited is located at 104. W Eighth Street Georgetown, TX 78626. If you’ve never stopped by, you're missing out on one of the gems of Georgetown. Sweet as candy and soothing to the soul, this is a shopping experience you won’t want to miss.

Additional updates, pictures and information can be found at the Handcrafts Unlimited Facebook page and at HandcraftsUnlimited.com.

As I always say, being a realtor in Georgetown isn't just about selling homes. It's about being part of a very unique, tight-knit community. The value of Georgetown real estate is enhanced tremendously by the quality of life of this community. If you have any questions about the community or are looking for an introduction to some of its unique aspects, I'd be more than happy to show you around.