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Georgetown's Unique Local Businesses

Monday, November 20, 2017   /   by Meagan Henry

Georgetown's Unique Local Businesses

Hydrate Is One of Our Favorite Georgetown Businesses


Georgetown is a great place to find local businesses. In fact, a thriving, locally owned business community is one of the reasons that the Russ Phillips Team loves practicing real estate here so much! We love our local business owners and are so proud they choose to call Georgetown home. In fact, in honor of our local entrepreneurs, we will be choosing a local business to highlight the first Friday of every month. This month we would like to highlight a favorite of ours: Hydrate. Hydrate is located at 2502 Williams Drive Suite C and has deep roots in the community.

Though Hydrate has been a locally owned business here for more than eight (8) years, in the last few years they have given their entire shop a re-haul, transforming what was once a water and snow cone place into a complete health and hydration stop designed to meet our communities need for healthy drink and snack options. Owners Tommy Trcka and Dr. Chad Sitzmann (also owner of Sitzmann Chiropractic Clinic next door) are passionate about offering healthy, local, products in their shop. They offer a wide range of yummy, good-for-you juices and smoothies with a long list of “booster” choices such as wheatgrass, honey, spirulina, and many more. All of their produce is delivered fresh from local farmers and grocers in the greater Austin area which means that when you buy at Hydrate, you help support other local businesses and farmers as well; a win-win for the entire community.


Last week, Hydrate began offering kombucha, a fermented, sweetened tea well loved for its anecdotal history of health benefits, on tap. Clearly a popular choice since they have had trouble keeping it in stock due to its popularity ever since. Next week they will be increasing their storage capacity by bringing in a larger cooler. They have also hired a recent UT grad with a degree in nutrition. With her help, they will be adding a food menu comprised of healthy, ready to eat items made daily. Hydrate’s goal is to provide a place where anyone can come grab wholesome food on the go.

Brandon, Hydrate’s current juice and smoothie expert, says that people of all ages enjoy their healthy products: from high school students on their way to class to Sun City residents cruising around town, to local employees looking for a healthy afternoon treat. Tried everything on the menu already? Just ask Brandon to whip you up something special – you won’t be disappointed!



There are rumors that a second branch is in the works for Hydra. If we got to vote on the new location, we would happily invite them to set up shop in one of the vacant storefronts on the square just around the corner from our office –yum!

I sincerely believe that unique, one-of-a-kind businesses like Hydrate make living in Georgetown enjoyable and make the homes for sale here more valuable. If you have a favorite drink or snack that you want to tell us about or a location where you would like to see a branch of Hydrate, add it in the comment section below, there is nothing we love more than hearing from you!