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Georgetown's First Class Public School System

Monday, November 20, 2017   /   by Meagan Henry

Georgetown's First Class Public School System

Georgetown TX Schools Are Second To None

One of the things that's most important when choosing a home is considering where your children will be attending school. Fortunately for Georgetown residents, the GISD is a leading school district. The Georgetown community really takes pride in its schools--residents have supported two major bonds to build new infrastructure.

The Georgetown Independent School District has 1,600 employees serving over 10,500 students in grades Pre-K through twelve. There are 18 campuses. GISD features one of the best Career and Technical Education programs in Central Texas. Its fine arts and athletics are have achieved state-wide recognition.

The Georgetown Independent School District focuses on high academic standards. There's a level of focus that you just don't see in every community. There's also a stronge practice of welcoming students of all backgrounds and making sure schools are safe environments. I encourage you to visit the schools in Georgetown when considering your next move.


The Russ Phillips Team specializes in homes for sale in Georgetown and throughout Central Texas.